
HomeToolsQR Code Link Generator

QR Code Link Generator

Quickly create a downloadable QR code that anyone can scan and be directed to the URL of your choice. Free to create and download. No subscription required.

Generate a QR Code with a URL

Generating a QR Code: A 3-Step Guide


What can you do with a QR Code?​

Connect Offline to Online

Use QR codes to link offline materials to online resources, enhancing user engagement and simplifying access to your digital content.

Enable Effortless Sharing

Share QR codes on your marketing materials, both online and offline, to provide online information with a single scan.

Simplify Feedback Collection

Encouraging feedback through a QR-linked survey makes it convenient for customers to share their insights.

Link to Online Menus

Make it easier for in-store customers to access your online food or product menus on their smartphones.

Share Contact Information

Easily share your contact details by generating a QR code containing your name, phone number, email, and address.

Event Registration & Ticketing

Generate QR codes for event tickets, simplifying check-ins and providing attendees with quick access to event details.

Link to Promotional Offers

Create QR codes linking to special discounts, coupons, or limited-time offers to boost customer engagement and sales.

Facilitate Online Payments

Enable quick and secure transactions by embedding payment information or links to payment gateways in QR codes.

Passwordless Wi-Fi Connections

Allow guests to connect to Wi-Fi networks instantly by scanning a QR code, eliminating the need for passwords.

Share Product Information

Embed product details, ingredients, or usage instructions in QR codes for customers to access with a quick scan.

Navigation Services

Link QR codes to maps or directions, guiding users to specific locations or providing indoor navigation in large venues.

Digital Business Cards

Create QR codes containing your professional details, instantly sharing your digital business card with new contacts.

Link to Educational Resources

Connect people to online lectures, study materials, or interactive lessons through QR codes in materials or classrooms.

Offer Virtual Tours

Generate QR codes linking to 360-degree virtual tours of properties, museums, or tourist attractions for immersive previews.

Facilitate Charitable Donations

Create QR codes that direct donors to secure payment platforms, making charitable giving quick and convenient.

Share Loyalty Programs

Link QR codes to loyalty program sign-ups or point balances, encouraging customer participation and repeat business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a QR code?

A QR code is a two-dimensional barcode that, when scanned, directs users to a specific digital destination such as a website, app, or online resource.

How does scanning a QR code work?

To scan a QR code, you simply need to point a smartphone camera or QR code reader at it. It will show a user a link to the URL embedded inside the code.

Is there a cost to generate a QR code?

Creating QR codes can be done for free using various online QR code generator tools, but some will charge you to keep the code active. This generator is 100% free and your codes will work without a subscription.

Can I track engagement with QR codes?

Yes, you can include a UTM parameter at the end of your QR Code URL to help you track scans and measure engagement.

Are QR codes usable worldwide?

QR codes can be used globally, providing a universal method for accessing digital content.

QR codes can link to any online content, including websites, videos, PDFs, and social media profiles, offering versatile use cases.

Can QR codes be embedded in digital and print media?

Yes, QR codes can be incorporated into both digital formats and printed materials, making them versatile for all marketing strategies.

How can you incorporate QR codes into marketing strategies?

Add QR codes to your promotional materials, business cards, advertisements, and event displays to simplify access to your digital resources.


Images & PDFs Widget App

Display an image, QR code or PDF file in the button menu

Key Features
  • Customizable Icon: Select whatever icon and color you want in your icon visitors can quickly get an idea of what the widget does

  • Responsive Design: Your content will resize based on the dimensions you set or a users device window

Why should you add a Images & PDFs App Widget to your website?

Direct Access to Content

Enables users to view PDFs and images directly, enhancing the user experience.

Preserves Formatting

Maintains the original format of PDFs, ensuring content integrity.

Mobile Friendly

Ensures content is accessible and readable on all devices.

Easy to Update

If you need to update the PDF, you can easily upload a new one and replace the existing one.


Design your Contact Button and choose a menu layout in less than 5 minutes​


Create and install the Images & PDFs App on your newly designed button


Install a Contact Button on your web site by copy & pasting one line of code

Easy as 1-2-3

You can add a Contact Button + Images & PDFs widget to your website in just three easy steps

Most Contact Button’s can be setup in less than 15 minutes. If you need any help, we offer free onboarding sessions for new users.

Want to see how easy it is for yourself before you sign up? Click the button below to check out our installation guide.


Install your App Widgets & Contact Button on any popular website builder

If you know how to copy & paste text, we have step-by-step guides to show you how to set up the rest.

Still unsure about Contact Button?

3 reasons to give it a try

Basic Plan


Good for websites with fewer than 1,000 visitors per month

Max Plan


/ month

Remove monthly limits and unlock premium features